Webmail works perfectly fine but some people are more comfortable with MS Office. If you want to use business email in Outlook then you may need this. Outlook Port Numbers depend on the method you are using to send emails. For example, if you are using SMTP then outlook ports will be different and for IMAP the port number for outlook will be different.
Outlook Port Numbers and More Settings
Use these settings as per your settings. If you already have an email address in Outlook, you may need to remove the email account from Outlook and add the new email address.
SSL/TLS settings
Incoming mail server Settings: Use SSL/TLS
Host name: Server name
port number: 993
Host name: Server name
Port number: 995
Outgoing mail server Settings: Use SSL/TLS
Hostname: Server name
Port no: 465
Username : complete email address
Password : ****
While setting up your account, make sure you have enabled “My Server Requires Authentication”
Do not enable “Log on using Secure Password Authentication”
NON-SSL/TLS settings:
Use these outlook port numbers if you are using non SSL/TLS settings in your outlook.
Incoming mail server Settings: None
Host name: mail.domain.com
Port number: 143
Host name: mail.domain.com
Port number: 110
Outgoing mail server Settings: None
Host name: mail.domain.com
Port no: 25 or 587
Username : complete email address
Password : ****
While setting up your account, make sure you have enabled “My Server Requires Authentication”
Do not enable “Log on using Secure Password Authentication”
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